DMA International, global leader in corporate documentaries

DMA International, the motion picture production company headquartered in Italy and with operations worldwide, is a global leader in the production of Corporate Documentaries. Wherever your company is based in the world, we have a team that can bring to life an exceptional video dedicated to your people and your company.
DMA International is considered a global leader for its peculiar approach to Corporate Documentaries, awarded by many magazines and associations, appreciated by audiences and companies. DMA International’s approach to documentaries combines three unique features:
1. Your Corporate Documentary is developed and written by a professional motion picture screenplay author (agencies and video production companies do not have these resources)
2. Your Corporate Documentary is shot with state-of-the-art portable equipment by motion picture wise Directors and Photography directors
3. Your Corporate Documentary is edited by motion picture professionals with specific expertise in corporate marketing & advertisement

The result is a winning Corporate Documentary that tells your story, the story of your people and of your company, with a unique originality and cut, capable of involving large audiences.

Today, a Corporate Documentary is a versatile marketing instrument that you can use for years to come with existing clients and prospects to assess the value and vision of your company, the uniqueness of your products and services, through many means of communication such as Online, during Exhibitions, Events, Client meetings.
Similarly to a printed monograph dedicated to your company, today the Corporate Documentary is the most effective instrument to convey detailed information about your company, qualify your products and services, reach a wide audience in a few minutes.
A Corporate Documentary is a concentrate of information about your company, extremely effective for your Marketing and Sales departments.

DMA International is your trusted partner for developing a unique and involving Corporate Documentary.