Video marketing in the EU countries

Video marketing is a part of marketing that inherits the rules of traditional marketing and adds new possibilities to bring your products or services closer to the tastes of the public and to intercept potential customers. Video marketing is therefore the set of rules, techniques and communication strategies related to video content.

In an increasingly fast and competitive society, video has the great advantage – if done well – of communicating your products or services to the public quickly and effectively stimulating the audience of the video to use these products or services.

But what do we mean by ‘a good’ video marketing? The answer to this question is very important especially considering that with today’s technologies there is a huge offer of more or less specialized videomakers, filmmakers and video production companies.

In fact, making an effective video can literally determine the success or failure of a product or service.

A correct video marketing strategy requires 1. adequate technology; 2. technical competence on the part of the video crew; 3. communicative competence on the part of the authors. But let’s see these aspects in more detail.

(1. Technology) Today the wide availability of video technology, equipment and software allows not only production companies but even a private individuals to produce a video. But this solution often proves disastrous because it is not so much the image quality that is important, albeit indispensable, but above all it is necessary to focus on shooting techniques functional to the marketing message that you want to bring to the public (technical competence) and even more to focus on the ability to communicate through images (communicative competence) to your audience. In fact, the ultimate goal is to persuade the public that your product or service is indispensable and urgent, and that the competition is unable to offer adequate solutions.

(2. Technical competence) For this reason a good video marketing requires the presence of a director and a screenwriter. The first, the director, has the technical expertise to use and exploit video techniques to the advantage of the product or service, showing their indispensability, the urgency of purchasing and their superiority over the competition. It will seem surprising but the use of a specific shooting angle or a particular use of lights determines a substantial difference in the final result. In fact, the audience will receive a specific message, only with the use of angles, sequences and lights.

(3. Communication competence:) However, images are not enough in a good video marketing. Everything is in the message that is communicated through verbal language (the words accompanying the video), non-verbal language (the shots, the use of the screen and the sequence of scenes) and the construction of the advertising story (idea, storytelling, variations on the logical evolution of a story). All of this can only be developed by a professional screenwriter, able to persuade the audience with a controlled use of the language.

The end result, whether it’s a TV commercial or a Social video, is an effective video, which touches the right emotions of the audience, and leaves the viewer with the impression that they have observed a solid product or service, with a defined identity (brand), indispensable, one of a kind.

The costs of a good video marketing do not have to be ambitious but can, on the contrary, be reasonably low. However, technologies, technical skills and communication skills of the team making the video are absolutely essential and make a clear difference, ensuring a winning product or service. All this is even more true when you plan to market your products, services or brand in national markets who need to understand and appreciate your products or services through their own language (see more about this here).