DMA International produces the new book trailer of Davide Amante’s bestselling novel for children

Novelist Davide Amante commissioned DMA International to develop the book trailer for his best-selling novel ‘The Guardian of the Stars – Anais’s journey with the wind’.

‘Working with Davide Amante was very stimulating from a creative point of view and allowed us to produce a high quality book trailer, aligned with his beautiful novel, but above all innovative and out of the usual standards of book trailers. This production gave us a lot of satisfaction,’ said the director.

DMA International acquires the film rights of the bestselling novel ‘The Wallenberg Dossier’ by Davide Amante

DMA International acquired the film rights to the novel The Wallenberg Dossier by Davide Amante. The screenplay is under development.

The rescue of a young woman loved by Wallenberg, who will in turn rescue him and take over the role of protagonist is the basis of an extraordinary, passionate, love story.

The Wallenberg Dossier is based on the life of Raoul Wallenberg, the Swedish billionaire and hero who saved tens of thousands of Jewish families in World War II, outnumbering by far famous names like Oscar Schindler. Mr. Wallenberg, involved in a unique rescue mission, mysteriously disappeared after the war and prompted the governments of many countries, above all the United States of America, to seek information about him. The author finally gives a plausible final word on Mr. Wallenberg’s fate. This is a tremendous love story underpinning a rescue mission which will eventually change history.

This is a powerful film that brings on stage, not only the complete and still today mysterious story of Raoul Wallenberg but also  personalities like Eichmann, Kartashov, Himmler and Eichmann.
The film is based on extensive historical research, which has allowed the authors to trace the life of Raoul Wallenberg. It is based on information obtained from the Russian-Swedish Inquiry Commission on Raoul Wallenberg, the CIA papers made available with the Freedom for Information Act and personal testimony. Incredibly, the authors’ research brings to the big screen unexpected conclusions to Wallenberg’s mysterious fate.

The Wallenberg Dossier by Davide Amante

The Wallenberg Dossier
250 Pages
ISBN 9788894315615
Click here to buy on

DMA International produces the Microsoft video in Milan ‘Microsoft has a passion for retail’

On May 17th 2019 Microsoft Advertising hosted its first Retail event in Milan in partnership with Microsoft Enterprise. Our speakers presented the most innovative Microsoft solutions (going from Cloud, to AI technologies, to digital advertising) available to retail clients, who face challenges keeping up to date with the digital transformation for both their physical stores and their e-commerce websites. Check out the video to take a glimpse of the event!

Protagonists: Giacomo Frizzarin, Claudio Grego, Marta Tamanini, Gianluca Sabatino.

DMA International produces the new book trailer for Lorenzo Altavista’s top selling ‘Love, instructions for use’

An incredibly complete and comprehensive guide dedicated to love and 
romantic relationships, this is the book that introduces the Dynamic Love Theory, the revolutionary deconstruction-reconstruction process that leads to a change of state. 
An ideal book for all those who want to understand the secrets of lasting 
love and how to unlock all the potential in couple happiness. 

This book reveals step by step how to obtain the best in love and romantic 
relationships in terms of satisfaction, quality and durability. It explains the 
phases of Discovery, Romance, Falling in love and Dynamic love and it 
illustrates the difference with infatuation, seduction, fascination, attachment.

You will learn when it is necessary to protect yourself and when it is time 
to let yourself go. You will discover what is your protective framework and 
how to pursue and obtain happiness and maximum intensity throughout 
the romantic relationship.

Click this link for more information on the book:

DMA International produces the book trailer for the international top seller ‘High Leadership’ by William Henry Best

The renowned publication dedicated to success in business, is now available to all. ‘High Leadership’ started circulating a few years ago in private high-profile homes and gatherings that few top leaders had access to. Now finally published and available to a global audience, the book is one of a kind.

High Leadership is quite probably one of the best Leadership & Business books you can ever read, not only because it truly explains what is the essence of leadership and it does so in a manner that no other book does, but also because it is a practical pocket-guide, if any is possible, taking the reader to the understanding and practicing of Leadership. 

The Publisher declared: “High Leadership is a sort of super tool you should always carry at your belt. Anyone wishing to grow in business should carry a copy of this book wherever they go. You don’t get here the usual wise set of rules, you really begin to see the essence of it all, to build that understanding of leadership that eventually will help you make your own rules.”

Click here to know more about the book: